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Certification of products in RUSSIA - «MAKSTRONG» LTD.


«MAKSTRONG» LTD - Certification Center in RUSSIA


Russia is a huge market. Do you want to supply your products to the huge Russian market? This is a great idea! However, to get started successfully, it is necessary to go through the product certification procedure and issue all necessary permits.

In Russia, there are several types of permits that may be required for your products.

First of all, you need to issue a Declaration of Conformity, which confirms that your product meets the requirements of technical regulations and regulatory documents. This is an important document that will allow you to legally sell your products in Russia.

Also, you may need a Certificate of Conformity, which is required for certain types of products. This document confirms that your products comply with Russian standards and safety.

For some products, a Certificate of state registration of products may be required. This document is necessary for products that may have an impact on consumer health and safety.

Finally, a registration certificate may be required for goods related to the medical and pharmaceutical fields. The registration of all these permits can be a complex and costly process.

You will need a specific list of documents and the passage of several stages. But do not worry, the specialists of our company Makstrong Ltd are ready to help you collect all the necessary documents and obtain permits for the supply and sale of your products.

Our experts have extensive experience in the field of product certification in Russia. We know all the details and requirements, and are ready to prepare a set of documents so that you can start deliveries and successfully develop in the market.

Do not delay your plans for the supply of goods to Russia. Contact us right now and our specialists will help you complete the certification procedure and issue all necessary permits. We guarantee a professional approach and prompt execution of all tasks.